1) I have a new car. My steady trusty Nissan died 2 weeks before the wedding, so my lovely husband, the incomparable Miss Ali, and her man-servant went on a mission. They came back with a 2003 Kia Spectra and spent less than my maximum. Her name is Rhoda.
2) Tuesday blogs will now be dedicated to fashion. I will let you know my fashion feelings, and will also take reqests and questions. No pressure, and I do not claim to be an expert; I just realized the other day that my blog didn't contain much fashion, and it made me sad.
3) I finally got some of the wedding pictures from my mother in law. I will post ASAP.
4) Violet turned 18 months on Saturday. She is closer to 2 than 1. She is a little person with an enormous personality. I get choked up a little. More on her adorability later this week.
Thanks for reading, by the way. You guys totally make my day. Seriously.

Photo from 11/2006 and way too Freakin Adorable
Congrats fabulous married woman. Hopefully, you will be kinder to your Kia than I was to mine.
Okay, I would like advice or suggestions on hair scarves. (Is that what they're called? Shows up fashionable I am.) I have long, curly hair and own one scarfy thing but I think it is too thin to contain my head of hair. Also, when I tie it at the base of my head it always meanders on up and ends up falling off and making me look more disheveled than when I started.
Wanna bite on that one??
Rebecca and Rhoda, tee hee.
I'll try to think of some fashion questions. Lord knows I could use the help.
And yea for fashion Tuesdays.
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