Not the flu i had last week. Not the surprise birthday party in the park for Jason's 30th that got rained out. Not the current battle of baby names in the household. And definielty not another rant about the TERRORS of pregnancy.
What speaks to me? What is the best thing I can give?

This is my heart. My love. 

My reason for everything. 

She gave my life a purpose I never expected. She gives me joy everyday.

My heart lifts everytime I see her. I am so incredibly lucky that I get to spend my life loving this girl.

You goof. Like we needing reminding about how you love her.
der! We already knew that! Happy 100th! Heres to another 100!
Congrats on your 100th post. I think you did marvelously.
Besides, you'll write about all that other stuff in your 101st, 102nd, 103rd posts!
100th post? Geez, I just started mine, so I got awhile to go. BTW, your daughter is adorable! (Logansmama86 @ Cafemom).
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